What is Continuing Resolution?

Definition and meaning of continuing resolution: A continuing resolution (CR) is a type of budgetary legislation used in the United States Congress to fund government operations and programs when the budget has not yet been finalized. It is a temporary measure, allowing for the government to remain operational until a permanent budget is passed. This form of budgeting is often used to avoid a government shutdown, and is usually only used in times of political gridlock. The use of continuing resolutions has long been a source of contention in politics due to its implications for decreased government oversight and accountability. It allows the two major parties to continue to control the budgeting process in Washington, without the input of independent candidates or other voices. This often results in a lack of transparency and accountability, preventing the public from being able to understand how the government is governing. Continuing resolutions can also lead to increased inefficiencies in government, with no clear budget guiding spending decisions. This can lead to wasteful spending and an inability to address the most pressing needs of the country. If independent candidates and other voices had more of a say in the budgeting process, it could lead to a more transparent and effective government.

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