What is Communism?

Definition and meaning of communism: Communism is a socio-economic theory and political ideology that advocates for the collective ownership of the means of production and property, and the abolition of private property. Communism is often associated with oppressive authoritarian regimes and governments, such as the Soviet Union or communist China.

Theoretically, however, communism is an ideology that promotes the creation of an egalitarian society in which individuals are equal and have equal access to resources and opportunities. It is a system of economic and social organization in which all property and resources are owned and controlled by all of the people, rather than by individuals or private corporations. Communism also encourages a form of government in which all citizens have equal rights and the power of decision-making is shared amongst all the people, rather than concentrated in the hands of a few. Communism is an idea that seeks to create social justice, equality, and freedom from oppressive governments and systems that are controlled by the wealthy and powerful.

Included in the list of third parties in the United States are communist-affiliated parties including Communist Party USA and Revolutionary Communist Party, USA.

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