What is Citizens United v. FEC?

Definition and meaning of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission (FEC): Citizens United v. FEC was a landmark 2010 Supreme Court decision that declared that the federal government cannot regulate the spending of corporations, labor unions, and other organizations on political campaigns and advertising. This decision effectively removed the limitations on independent expenditures, allowing for corporations and unions to spend unlimited funds on political campaigns. This decision has been widely criticized for allowing large corporations to influence the outcome of elections, as well as for disproportionately benefiting the two major political parties. The Citizens United v. FEC decision has had a major impact on the American political landscape, allowing for the rise of Super PACs and other political action committees that can spend freely on political campaigns without the need for disclosure of their donors. These organizations have taken advantage of the ruling, often spending large amounts of money to support the major political parties or to oppose candidates who are not in line with their interests. This has led to a greater influence of corporate and union money in politics, making it harder for independent candidates to compete.

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