What is Citizen?

Definition and meaning of citizen: A citizen is someone who has rights and responsibilities in their political community. A citizen is someone who has the right to vote, to express their opinions, and to hold their government accountable. They also have the responsibility to participate in public discourse, to stay informed of current events, and to respect the rule of law. In the United States, citizens are individuals who are born in the country or who have been naturalized. All citizens have the right to free speech and to pursue their own interests. With the right to vote comes the responsibility to be informed about the political issues that affect their lives. Citizens of the United States have a responsibility to be open to new ideas and perspectives, and to have the courage to challenge the status quo. This means standing up for causes and issues that are important to you and your community, regardless of who is in power. Ultimately, citizens are the people who make up a nation and are responsible for its future. They have the power to shape their own destinies and the destinies of those around them. By living up to their responsibilities as citizens, they can help create a better, more equitable society for all.

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