What is Superdelegate?

Definition and meaning of superdelegate: A superdelegate is a delegate to the Democratic National Convention (DNC) who is not selected by primary or caucus voters, but rather by party officials and elected leaders. The practice of using superdelegates began during the 1984 presidential election season to grant party leaders more influence. They have the power to influence the outcome of the Democratic presidential nomination process by casting a vote for any candidate they choose, regardless of how their constituents voted. Superdelegates are unpledged delegates, meaning they are not obligated to support any specific presidential candidate at the party convention, and they can change their vote at any time. 

In order to reduce the power of superdelegates, various organizations have advocated for a change in the system. For example, in 2018, the DNC proposed a plan that would limit the influence of superdelegates in the nomination process. This would ensure that the nomination process is more democratic and less influenced by party leaders.

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