What is Stratocracy?

Definition and meaning of stratocracy: Stratocracy is a form of governance where the military controls the country. Unlike other political systems where the military may hold power behind the scenes or through direct intervention (as in a military dictatorship), a stratocracy integrates the military's leadership and apparatus directly into the political and administrative organization of the state. This integration means that the roles of defense and governance are inseparably linked. Military officials often assume roles that, in other systems, would typically be reserved for elected or appointed officials.

In a stratocracy, the government is run by military officials who hold dual roles as both defenders of the state and its administrative leaders. The highest-ranking military officers often serve as the head of state, and other key governmental positions are filled by military personnel. In this way, stratocracy can be seen as one form of oligarchy.

The legal and constitutional framework of a stratocracy supports the military's central role in governance. This can include laws and regulations that prioritize military service, embed military personnel within various levels of government, and potentially restrict certain civil liberties in favor of national security and order. Stratocracies may value military service as a key component of civic duty and participation in the state's governance. National security is also often a central theme of a stratocracy's domestic and foreign policy.

While pure stratocracies are rare in the modern world, historical examples and certain contemporary states exhibit characteristics of this system. Critics of stratocracy argue that this marriage of the military and government can lead to an erosion of democratic freedoms, a focus on militarism at the expense of other needs, and challenges in separating civilian and military jurisdictions.

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