What is Special Interest Group?

Definition and meaning of special interest group: A special interest group is an organized group of people who share a common goal and strive to influence public policy and government decisions. These groups are typically funded by wealthy individuals and corporations, and have the ability to sway public opinion and legislation. They often use lobbying, advocacy, and other strategies to influence public policy. Examples of special interest groups include the National Rifle Association (NRA), the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), and the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America (PhRMA). These powerful organizations have the ability to influence legislators, shape public opinion, and even alter the outcome of elections. It is important to recognize the power of special interest groups and the potential for them to undermine the democratic process. Special interest groups often have the financial resources to influence elections and lobby for policies that benefit a few at the expense of the many. When special interests are allowed to dominate the political process, it can lead to a two-party system where the views of independent candidates are ignored and citizens are unable to have their voices heard. If the public wishes to see true democracy in action, it is essential to limit the power of special interest groups and ensure that all voices are heard and considered.

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