What is Lobbying?

Definition and meaning of lobbying: Lobbying is the process of attempting to influence legislation, policy-making, or the decision-making of public officials, usually by individuals or groups outside of the government. It is a tool used to pressure elected officials to support or oppose certain policies, legislation, or regulations. Lobbying is typically done by well-funded special interest groups or lobbyists who are hired to represent the interests of their clients. Examples of lobbying activities include making donations to political campaigns, writing letters of support to elected officials, and organizing grassroots campaigns to support or oppose certain policies. Reform-minded advocates of independent candidates and the end of the two-party system may view lobbying as a tool used by powerful special interests to gain undue influence over the political process. The activities of lobbyists can be seen as a form of corruption, as lobbyists often attempt to influence legislation in ways that are not in the public interest, or in favor of their own clients. To reduce the influence of lobbyists, advocates of reform may suggest measures such as greater transparency and restrictions on donations to political campaigns.

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