What is Libertarianism?

Definition and meaning of Libertarianism: Libertarianism is a political philosophy that promotes individual liberty and limited government. Its adherents argue for the freedom of individuals to make choices about their own lives and for the minimization of state power and involvement in the economy and society. It stands in opposition to authoritarianism, statism, and collectivism. In its simplest terms, libertarians believe that the only legitimate use of force is in defense of individual rights, and that the government should not be involved in economic activities or social engineering. Libertarians often emphasize the importance of personal responsibility and individual freedom of choice. They reject the notion of an all-powerful government and instead favor a smaller government with limited powers that respects individual rights. Examples of libertarian policies include a free market economy, a society based on voluntary exchange and mutual consent, and the protection of civil liberties such as freedom of speech and assembly. In addition, libertarians are typically advocates of limited government regulations, lower taxes, and reduced social welfare spending. They oppose government intervention into the private lives of citizens, believing that individuals should be free to pursue their own interests without interference from the state. By advocating for personal liberty and freedom of choice, libertarians strive to create a more just and equitable society.

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