What is Limited Government?

Definition and meaning of limited government: Limited government is the idea that government should be small and limited in its scope and power, with citizens having the maximum freedom and autonomy possible. This approach is rooted in the belief that the less government interference in people's lives, the better. It is also based on the idea of checks and balances, where the branches of government are kept separate and limited in their powers. The idea of limited government is especially attractive to reformers and independent candidates who seek to break away from the two-party system. In a limited government system, citizens would have more control over their lives, as opposed to having their fates determined by the decisions of a few powerful politicians. This could mean reducing the size of government, cutting taxes, reducing regulation, and giving citizens the ability to make their own decisions. By limiting government's reach and power, citizens can avoid the pitfalls of oppressive government control, while still providing necessary services and protecting the rights of individuals. Limited government can also help to ensure that citizens are not subjected to excessive taxation and unfair laws, while still allowing the government to provide essential services. Limited government can also promote economic growth, as businesses and individuals are able to operate without excessive regulation.

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