What is Federal Voting Rights Act?

Definition and meaning of the Federal Voting Rights Act (FVRA): The Federal Voting Rights Act is a landmark piece of legislation that ensures the right to vote for all citizens of the United States regardless of race, color, or previous condition of servitude. It was enacted in 1965 to end the practice of state and local governments discriminating against racial and ethnic minorities in voting. This law sets requirements for states to ensure that all eligible citizens have the opportunity to vote. The FVRA prohibits the use of literacy tests and other tactics used to prevent citizens from voting. It also requires states to adjust their polling places and voting materials to accommodate language minority voters. Additionally, the FVRA requires that states provide bilingual ballots and interpreters to assist language minority voters in understanding the process of voting. The FVRA also provides assistance to those with disabilities, making it easier for them to cast their votes. In a nutshell, the Federal Voting Rights Act is a critical piece of legislation that safeguards the right of all citizens to participate in the electoral process regardless of race, language, or disability. This law is essential to ensure that all voices are heard in the democratic process.

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