What is Federal Election Campaign Act?

Definition and meaning of Federal Election Campaign Act: The Federal Election Campaign Act (FECA) is a United States law that sets forth the rules and regulations for the financing of federal campaigns. This includes the disclosure of contributions and expenditures, the establishment of the Federal Election Commission (FEC), and the limitation of contributions and expenditures by individuals and organizations. FECA was originally passed in 1971 and substantially amended in 1974, 1976, 1979, and 2002. The purpose of FECA is to ensure that federal campaigns are conducted fairly, openly, and responsibly. This is done by discouraging large, secretive contributions to campaigns, limiting contributions to campaigns, and requiring disclosure of all contributions, expenditures, and independent spending. FECA also created the FEC, which is responsible for enforcing the regulations set forth in the Act. FECA has had a large impact on the way campaigns are conducted in the United States. It has led to greater transparency, as the public is now able to see who is financing certain campaigns and how much money is being spent. It has also limited the amount of money that campaigns can receive from individuals, organizations, and political action committees (PACs). This has resulted in campaigns being less dependent on large donors and more focused on grassroots support.

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