What is Fascism?

Definition and meaning of fascism: Fascism is an authoritarian ideology that combines extreme nationalism and racism with an aggressive foreign policy and a corporatist economic system. It emphasizes a strong central government and the suppression of individual rights in favor of the state. Fascism rejects democracy, socialism, and liberalism, and is often associated with militarism, totalitarianism, and oppression. Examples of fascist governments include Nazi Germany, Mussolini's Italy, Franco's Spain, and the Japanese Empire. The true definition of fascism is a way of governing that is authoritarian, nationalistic, and anti-democratic. It is characterized by militarism, corporatism, and a rejection of liberal values and principles. Fascism has a strong emphasis on the nation state and its power, and often involves the suppression of civil liberties and minority groups. Fascism also often includes racism, xenophobia, and a distrust of democracy and international organizations. Ultimately, fascism is an extreme form of nationalism and authoritarianism that seeks to promote a particular political agenda over all others.

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