What is American Independent Party?

Definition and meaning of the American Independent Party: The American Independent Party is a far-right political party founded in 1967 by Bill Shearer and his wife, Eileen Knowland Shearer. In the 1968 presidential election, the American Independent Party nominated George Wallace, who secured the electoral votes of five states. Since then, no third-party candidate has been able to win as many electoral votes as Wallace. 

In 1976, the party split into the modern American Independent Party and the American Party. Then, the American Independent Party transitioned into the Populist Party during the early 1980s. From 1992 to 2008, it was known as the California affiliate of the national Constitution Party. In 2008, another split occurred due to conflicting stances on U.S. foreign policy and Constitution Party founder Howard Phillip’s influence on the state party. The faction recognizing Jim King as chairman of the American Independent Party remained in the Constitution Party while the faction recognizing Ed Noonan joined a new party called America’s Party. The Noonan faction has remained in control of the American Independent Party’s operations and ballot access

Want to learn more about the American Independent Party? Read this spotlight on an AIP candidate running for office in California.

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