What is Adjourn?

Definition and meaning of adjourn: To adjourn is to conclude a meeting or session with the intention of resuming it at a later time. In a political context, adjournment refers to the formal process of ending a legislative or governmental session temporarily, often with the plan to reconvene at a specified date or time. This can apply to various types of meetings, such as sessions of Congress, state legislatures, or local government councils.

The act of adjourning can be done for a variety of reasons, including the completion of a particular agenda item, the need for a break, or the necessity to address urgent matters before continuing. During an adjournment, the business or discussions that were underway are paused, and the meeting is officially suspended. When the meeting resumes, it continues from where it left off, with the previous discussions and decisions still in place.

While adjournment is a standard parliamentary procedure, it can sometimes be misused to hinder or delay progress. For instance, adjournments may be strategically used to stall discussions or avoid contentious decisions — especially in political contexts where parties might want to delay the passage of legislation or the resolution of contentious issues. This can lead to significant delays in the legislative process, preventing timely action on important matters. In some cases, repeated adjournments can be employed as a tactic to run out the clock on debates, thereby circumventing democratic scrutiny or accountability. 

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