What is Amendment?

Definition and meaning of amendment: An amendment is a change made to a law, document, or constitution. Amendments are often used to update or improve existing laws, or to add new ones. Amendments can be proposed by the legislature or by citizen initiatives. Amendments can also be proposed through a petition signed by a significant number of citizens. Amendments can be proposed to the Constitution, to state constitutions, to state laws, and to local ordinances. Amendments can be proposed to the U.S. Constitution to protect individual rights, to limit the power of the government, or to make changes to existing legislation.

For example, the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution protects the right to free speech; the Second Amendment protects the right to bear arms; and the Fourteenth Amendment prohibits states from denying citizens equal protection of the laws. Many amendments have been proposed throughout history to promote greater democracy and to limit the power of the two-party system. By allowing citizens to propose, debate, and vote on amendments, the power of everyday citizens and independent candidates can be increased in the political process.

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