What is Political Action Committee (PAC)?

Definition and meaning of political action committee (PAC): A political action committee is a legal entity organized for the purpose of raising and spending money to influence the outcome of elections, ballot initiatives, or legislation. PACs can be created by individuals, companies, trade unions, and other organizations. They are subject to regulation by the Federal Election Commission.

PACs differ from traditional political parties in that they are not bound to a single candidate or political party, and often promote multiple causes or candidates in a single election. PACs are also different from Super PACs, which are organizations that are not subject to the same regulations and have much more lenient campaign finance rules. PACs are typically used to support a particular candidate or issue by providing independent financial support to their campaigns. Common examples of PACs include independent expenditure-only committees, leadership PACs, and corporate PACs. The proliferation of PACs has led to a shift in the political landscape, allowing for more independent candidates and more independent voices outside of the traditional two-party system.

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