What is Parliamentary Democracy?

Definition and meaning of Parliamentary Democracy: Parliamentary democracy is a form of government in which representatives are elected by the people to make decisions on their behalf. This type of democracy is based on the principle of majority rule, meaning that the majority of voters will determine the outcome of policy decisions. Parliamentary democracy also allows for minority representation, as each elected representative represents a constituency and is accountable to their constituents. This type of democracy includes both the executive and legislative branches, which work together to ensure the will of the people is respected. Examples of parliamentary democracies include the United Kingdom and Canada. Parliamentary democracy allows the people to have a say in the decisions which will affect their lives, and ensures minority representation. It also provides a platform for debate and encourages compromise, thus allowing for the creation of strong, lasting policies. By providing a forum for debate and discussion, parliamentary democracy allows for the consideration of multiple perspectives and encourages the development of creative solutions. This form of government is designed to ensure that the needs of all individuals are met, regardless of their political affiliation.

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