What is Non-Partisan?

Definition and meaning of non-partisan: The term “non-partisan” can describe a political system, process, or person that is not affiliated with any particular political party. This can include elections, appointments, and policy-making processes that are open to candidates from a wide range of backgrounds and viewpoints.

In the United States, non-partisan elections are often used at the local level. For example, most school board races are non-partisan. In these elections, candidates do not declare a party affiliation and are instead judged on their qualifications and experience. This can create a more open and inclusive political process that is not dominated by the two major political parties.

Non-partisan approaches to policy-making can also be effective in fostering more collaborative and consensus-based decision-making. For example, some states have established non-partisan redistricting commissions to redraw legislative districts. This approach can help to reduce the influence of partisan politics on the redistricting process.

Non-partisan approaches to governance can help break the stranglehold of the two major parties and create a more diverse and representative democracy. By removing party labels from the ballot, non-partisan elections can also allow independent candidates to be judged on their own merits, rather than by their lack of party backing. This can help to create a more level playing field overall.

According to data from Gallup, as high as 51% of American voters identify as independents, which suggests that there is a significant demand for non-partisan approaches to governance in the United States. By encouraging the use of non-partisan elections and supporting the efforts of non-partisan candidates to participate in the political process, we can create a more open and inclusive political system that works for everyone.

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