What is Neoconservatism?

Definition and meaning of neoconservatism: Neoconservatism is a political ideology that is characterized by a commitment to conservative social and economic principles combined with a reform-minded approach to foreign policy. Its definition is rooted in the idea that an assertive foreign policy is the best way to maintain a strong national security, and that pro-active efforts to promote democracy and regime change abroad will ultimately lead to global stability. Neoconservatism has been associated with prominent figures such as former U.S. President George W. Bush and Senator John McCain, and has been a central theme of U.S. foreign policy since the Cold War. Its core tenants include a strong support for democracy promotion and nation building, as well as a hardline stance toward hostile states, such as Iran and North Korea. Neoconservatives also advocate for free trade, limited government, and a strong military presence abroad. At its core, neoconservatism is a reform-minded approach to foreign policy. It seeks to promote democratic values and strengthen the global order by promoting democracy and regime change, while also maintaining a strong national defense. Neoconservatism is not a single unified ideology, but rather a set of principles that have been adopted by many prominent political figures in the United States.

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