What is Municipality?

Definition and meaning of municipality: A municipality is an administrative entity made up of the residents of a city, town, or other district with local self-governance. A municipality serves as the organizational structure through which local decisions are made and local services are provided. Depending on the country and region, municipalities might be called by different names—borough or parish, for example. While their sizes and specific functions can vary, municipalities generally have elected officials who represent the interests of their constituents. They may oversee utilities, local law enforcement, parks and recreation, and more. The concept of a municipality underscores the importance of local governance, reflecting the democratic ideal that decisions should be made as close to the affected populace as possible. As entities, municipalities often interact with regional and national governments but remain distinct in their focus on local community needs and aspirations. You may also hear the term “municipal” used as an adjective to describe politics and elections that take place at the local level.

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