The Sheriff is perhaps the most familiar county official to most citizens. A Sheriff's duties include making arrests, enforcing all state and local laws, maintaining jail facilities, transporting prisoners and mentally ill patients, serving legal papers, holding public sales of property under court orders and attending district court.
Sheriffs have the authority to enforce laws in cities and towns as well as rural areas. While many of the responsibilities are regulated by the state and federal government, the Sheriff's primary role is still to preserve peace and order in the county.
Eligibility requirements
Each county officer must be, at the time of election, a qualified elector in the jurisdiction in which the candidate is to serve. Each county commissioner must be a qualified voter of the jurisdiction from which the commissioner is chosen at the time of the election. Some exceptions may apply depending on the form of county government. NDCC SS 11-10-04
Running for County Sheriff?
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How often is County Sheriff elected?
The position of County Sheriff is typically elected every 4 years.
What does it mean for an election to be nonpartisan?
Nonpartisan elections do not require candidates to declare a party affiliation.
What are the filing requirements to get on the ballot in Eddy County, ND?
To appear on the ballot, a candidate must file a Petition. The forms are available from either the Secretary of State or the County Auditor. Petitions for regular county offices must contain signatures of not less than 2% of the votes cast for the same office in the last General Election; however no more than 300 signatures are required.
Where do I submit my candidate paperwork?
Submit paperwork to the County Auditor's office.
Where is the filing office?
524 Central Ave New Rockford, ND 58356-1652.
How can I get in touch with the filing office?
You can contact the filing office by calling 701-947-2434 ext. 2020.
How do I get started running for County Sheriff?
You can start running for County Sheriff by checking to ensure you meet all filing deadlines and requirements. Next, you can prepare to file for office and start planning your campaign strategy. Get in touch with our team of campaign experts for help with any step of the campaign process!
Is there a primary or runoff election for this office?
The next election for County Sheriff includes a primary, but not a runoff election.
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