Political Parties

Your Guide to the 2024 National Party Conventions

GoodParty.org Politics Team

GoodParty.org Politics Team

Published: Mar 12, 2024
Updated: May 22, 2024
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National party conventions are pivotal events in the American political process. They serve as the official platform for nominating presidential and vice-presidential candidates. They’re more than just a formal nomination process; historically, they’ve featured a blend of political ritual, policy discussion, and a showcase of party unity and strategy leading up to the national election. 

As such, political conventions provide a stage for political parties to present their platforms, rally their voter base, and garner media attention to boost their candidates' profiles. These events also provide a significant opportunity for networking among party officials, delegates, activists, and volunteers, forging alliances and setting the stage for the upcoming electoral campaigns.

An Overview of the Four Nationally Recognized Party Conventions for 2024

Currently, there are four nationally recognized parties hosting conventions in 2024: the two establishment parties, the Libertarian Party, and the Green Party. You can obtain specific information about each party convention through links to their individual convention websites, as well as information about how to volunteer or work at the convention. 

Even if you’re an independent, the opportunity to experience the inner workings of a political convention could provide valuable insight into the political world. Here’s an overview of what to expect, whether you’re able to attend one of the conventions in person or you’re joining them in the virtual realm:

Republican National Convention (RNC): July 15-18 in Milwaukee

The Republican National Convention in Milwaukee marks a critical moment for the GOP as it aims to unify its base and present a compelling vision for the country. The decision to host the convention in Milwaukee underscores the party's strategic focus on Wisconsin as a key battleground state.

What to Expect:

  • Formal nomination of the Republican presidential and vice-presidential candidates

  • A platform committee meeting preceding the convention to draft and approve the party's policy positions and election strategies

  • High-profile speeches by leading Republican figures, designed to energize the party faithful and appeal to undecided voters

  • Events and rallies throughout Milwaukee, aiming to boost local engagement and national media coverage

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Democratic National Convention (DNC): August 19-22 in Chicago

Set in Chicago, the Democratic National Convention is a showcase for the Democratic Party's vision and unity. The city has a long and rich history of political activism, and its significance as a Democratic stronghold highlights the party's efforts to connect with voters in urban regions and the Midwest.

What to Expect:

  • The nomination of the Democratic candidates for president and vice president

  • Adoption of the party platform, reflecting the Democrats' policy priorities and values

  • Speeches from a broad spectrum of party leaders, activists, and celebrity supporters, emphasizing diversity and progressive policies

  • Side events and community outreach initiatives to engage with broader constituencies and mobilize supporters

Libertarian National Convention (LNC): May 24-26 in Washington, D.C.

The Libertarian National Convention in Washington, D.C., is a crucial opportunity for the Libertarian Party to present its alternative vision for America. This vision is focused on individual liberty, limited government, and free-market principles. Despite being a smaller party, the LNC plays a significant role in shaping political discourse, particularly on issues of civil liberties and economic policy.

What to Expect:

  • Nomination of Libertarian candidates for the presidential race

  • Debates and discussions on policy positions, with a strong emphasis on civil liberties, non-interventionist foreign policy, and deregulation

  • The convention is a platform for rallying the Libertarian base and attracting disaffected voters from the major parties by emphasizing issues like government overreach and personal freedoms

Green Party National Convention: July 11-14 Online

The Green National Convention, which is the only party convention being conducted entirely online, reflects the Green Party's commitment to environmental sustainability and social justice. This virtual format allows for broader participation from party members across the country, which is especially important for a party that prioritizes grassroots activism and global environmental concerns.

What to Expect:

  • Nomination of the Green Party's presidential and vice-presidential candidates, focusing on environmental issues, social justice, and grassroots democracy

  • Discussions and adoption of the party platform, with a strong emphasis on climate change, renewable energy, and equity

  • Virtual events aimed at maximizing outreach and engagement, leveraging digital platforms to connect with a wider audience and mobilize support among younger voters and activists

In addition, Green Party convention events, which are hosted virtually from different locations, will provide supporters with the opportunity to participate in skill-building and issue-oriented workshops as well as local activist events. 

Are National Party Conventions Still Relevant?

The previous convention for the 2020 elections was different by necessity. At that point, the United States was in the middle of a pandemic, with lockdowns and social distancing still in effect. As a result, the conventions were largely conducted in the digital realm and without the usual pomp and celebratory atmosphere. 

The upcoming national party conventions to determine nominees for the 2024 presidential elections will hopefully keep some of the best elements of 2020, such as shorter speeches and smaller, more intimate gatherings. 

Unfortunately, this may impact coverage of some state and most local races. 

There are those who think that the time of political conventions has come and gone. We are no longer in an era when candidates are chosen in a backroom meeting by a select few party leaders, and the expense of what some see as little more than multiple days of parties, banners, and silly hats might be considered money ill-spent.

Others feel that national conventions are irrelevant to all but the most dedicated fans of political machinations. Most voters care more about the meat-and-potatoes of politics, like who the nominees are and when it’s time to vote. 

However, even in the current era of digital media, national party conventions remain important. They offer an opportunity for political parties to consolidate their message, energize their voter base, and make a case to the wider electorate. Conventions also provide an opportunity to educate voters who are new to civic engagement and the political process writ large. 

For smaller parties like the Libertarians and Greens, conventions are crucial for gaining visibility, articulating distinct policy positions, and influencing the broader political dialogue, especially on issues where they take the lead in mainstream civic discourse. 

Final Thoughts

With the inclusion of third-party, alternative visions for America's future, political conventions can contribute to a richer, more diverse political landscape, challenging voters to consider a wider range of policy options and perspectives.

Want to stay up-to-date on the latest developments in third-party and independent politics? Consider signing up for GoodParty.org’s newsletter, and stay in the loop as we move closer to the 2024 presidential elections.

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The GoodParty.org politics team is focused on transforming the political landscape by promoting transparency, accountability, and positive change. They aim to engage citizens in the political process, encourage informed decision-making, and support candidates who prioritize the common good. Their mission revolves around creating a more fair and just political system, fostering collaboration, and breaking down traditional barriers of partisanship.