Tracking Legislation
For Voters

How to Track Federal and State Legislation Politics Team Politics Team

Published: Nov 27, 2023
Updated: May 23, 2024
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Imagine two friends embarking on a treacherous journey – one who meticulously checks the weather forecast, plans their route, and equips themselves with essential gear. In contrast, the other carelessly steps out without a clue about the impending storms or changing terrain.

The stark contrast between these two individuals extends to the realm of politics as well. Some voters stay current with the latest updates concerning state and federal legislation, while others go into elections without taking the time to understand recent developments.

In this guide, we’ll cover the process of how to track legislation, so you can go into the next election season prepared and armed with knowledge.

Why Does Tracking Legislation Matter?

Understanding the Legislative Process

The legislative process at the federal and state levels is similar to what you might have seen in the media. There are bills, debates, committees, and votes involved, but it's far from a cartoonish spectacle.

Most state systems are indeed similar to the federal system. They follow a similar structure with a bicameral legislature comprising a House and a Senate.

However, there's a limit to the similarities between the U.S. Congress and state legislatures. Each state has its own set of regulations and guidelines, some of which you must become familiar with to track legislation efficiently.

The Significance of Legislative Tracking

Citizens aren't just spectators in this process but are integral to shaping government policies. Legislative tracking plays an integral role in the following:

  • Citizen Empowerment: Tracking legislation gives citizens direct access to the laws that govern them.

  • Legislative Transparency: Legislation monitoring ensures transparency in government legislative actions. When you track legislation, you unveil the inner workings of the political machinery, allowing you to see how decisions are made.

  • Government Accountability: Legislation monitoring holds elected officials accountable. Holding our elected officials accountable and ensuring that the voice of the people is represented is fundamental to a healthy democracy. Through political involvement, citizens contribute to a government that is truly "of the people, by the people, for the people."

  • Informed Decision-Making: Staying updated on legislation equips citizens with knowledge. Informed citizens can make better decisions during elections, advocacy, and public policy discussions.

  • Active Participation: Legislation monitoring encourages active political participation in the democratic process. When citizens track legislation, they become better able to voice their opinions, support or oppose bills, and engage with their elected officials.

  • Policy Advocacy and Shaping: Legislative tracking allows citizens to shape government policies. Your involvement can lead to amendments, revisions, or even the creation of entirely new laws.

Getting Started: Increasing Civic Responsibility and Engagement

Citizen activism starts with the following simple yet powerful steps that can significantly impact your role in shaping the political landscape:

  • Stay Informed: This is the first big step toward becoming an active citizen. Knowledge is power, and in the realm of politics, it's paramount. Regularly read reliable news sources, follow legislative updates, and educate yourself on the issues that matter to you.

  • Participate in Local Politics: Get involved in your community. Attend town hall meetings, neighborhood gatherings, or local government sessions. These are great places to start engaging with local issues and connecting with like-minded individuals.

  • Vote in Elections: This is one of the most fundamental ways to participate in politics. Cast your vote in local, state, and national elections to ensure your voice is heard and counted.

  • Support or Join Civic Organizations: Numerous organizations focus on various causes and issues. Find one that aligns with your interests and values, and consider supporting or joining it. These groups often provide opportunities to engage and make a difference.

  • Engage on Social Media: Social media platforms can be powerful tools for civic engagement. Follow and engage with politicians and organizations, share your thoughts, and raise awareness about issues you care about.

  • Advocate for Change: Don't be afraid to speak up. Contact your elected officials, express your concerns, and advocate for policies that matter to you. Your voice matters, and politicians are there to represent your interests.

How to Track Federal and State Legislation

To become an effective legislative tracker, you need to understand the basics of tracking federal and state legislation and gain access to the necessary legislation tracking tools. Here's how you can get started:

Tracking Federal Legislation

  • Identify Your Interests: Start by narrowing down your interests. For instance, if you're concerned about environmental issues, you might want to track bills related to clean energy, conservation, or emissions regulations.

  • Choose Your Information Sources: Use government websites like to track federal legislation. For instance, let's say you're interested in monitoring healthcare legislation. You can visit, search for healthcare-related bills, and subscribe to email alerts to receive updates when new bills are introduced or modified.

  • Monitor Bills and Resolutions: Let's take an example of a specific bill, the Affordable Care Act (ACA). You can track its progress through Congress by visiting its page on This provides detailed information on its status, sponsors, and related documents.

Tracking State Legislation

  • Find Your State's Resources: If you're a resident of California, for example you would visit the California State Legislature's official website. Most state websites have a user-friendly interface for accessing legislative information. You can usually easily navigate through bills, resolutions, and committees.

  • Know the Legislative Calendar: Different states may have different session lengths and schedules. Also, the legislative calendar includes regular sessions, budget deadlines, and committee hearing schedules, so it’s helpful to familiarize yourself with your specific state's timeline to stay on top of legislative developments.

  • Review Proposed Bills: Suppose you want to track an education-related bill in California. You can search for education bills on the California State Legislature's website. You might find a bill like AB-131 about student financial aid in California. The bill's page details its progress, sponsors, and related documents.

  • Engage in Public Affairs: If you're particularly interested in a bill affecting your community, such as a housing policy, look out for public hearings. For example, most states might hold a hearing on housing affordability. Attending these hearings allows you to share your perspective and listen to the viewpoints of others.

Variations and Tips

While tracking federal and state legislation shares some commonalities, it's crucial to recognize the significant differences that exist between different states:

  • State-Specific Rules: Each state operates under its own unique rules and procedures governing legislative activities. These state-specific regulations can impact the legislative process, including the timeline for bill consideration, committee structures, and voting procedures.

  • Local Legislative Focus: States often grant local governments varying degrees of autonomy. Some states delegate significant authority to local municipalities, while others maintain more centralized control. Consequently, tracking legislation locally can require a different approach, including engaging with city councils, county commissions, and other local government bodies.

  • Policy Trends: State legislatures are known for setting policy trends influenced by local needs and political dynamics. Keep an eye on the legislative trends in your state, as they can impact the types of bills introduced and passed.

  • Public Participation Opportunities: States offer varying degrees of opportunities for public participation in the legislative process. Some states conduct public hearings, accept testimonies, or provide channels for citizen input. Stay informed about these opportunities in your state to engage in the democratic process actively.

Contacting Elected Officials: Making Your Voice Heard

When you're dissatisfied with current legislation or want to make your opinion heard, contacting elected officials is a powerful way to influence the political process. For effective communication:

  • Find Officials’ Contact Information: Locate the contact information for your elected officials, which is typically available on their official websites. You can also use online tools that make it easy to find your representatives.

  • Be Clear and Concise: Express your concerns or opinions clearly and concisely. State your points straightforwardly and respectfully.

  • Use Various Communication Channels: Elected officials can be reached via email, phone, or social media. Choose the method that you're most comfortable with, but ensure your message is respectful and to the point.

  • Request a Response and Follow-Up: Politely request a response or acknowledgment of your message. This can help ensure that your voice is heard.


Tracking federal and state legislation leads to more informed citizenship, civic engagement, and the ability to help shape government policies. By staying informed, engaging with and contacting elected officials, and actively participating in the political process, you can be a driving force in our nation’s engagement within democratic processes. 

Ready to take your civic engagement to the next level? Check out’s Discord server, a place where independent thinkers and changemakers can come together to make an impact in politics.

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