5 reasons why you should run for Nashville city council
Did you know that 2023 is going to be the best year ever to run for Nashville city council?
Factors like demographic and economic changes, rising dissatisfaction, and a growing number of independent voters mean that the playing field is more level than ever before. This year, we want to set the record straight: The city council is not just a place for crotchety old men to park their political ambitions and take up space.
There are real opportunities and responsibilities that come with serving on Nashville's city council, and it's more important than ever that we find candidates who will be effective leaders on these issues. So here are six reasons why you should run for Nashville City Council (Reminder: you don’t have to wait to be old and out of touch to serve):
1. Nearly 60% of the city is under the age of 35 years old… but the average age of our local leaders is 60.
Stop us if you’ve heard this before, but we believe young people are fundamentally unrepresented by politicians in public office. That is especially true in young cities like Nashville.
Did you know that nearly 60% of Nashvillians are under 35 years old, but the average age of citywide elected officials is 60 years old? And the Mayor, John Cooper isn't exactly young at heart anymore either (he's 66). He was born in the 1950s!
That means that we may be missing out on a whole lot of valuable perspectives and ideas from younger people—especially those who live in our rapidly growing neighborhoods like East Nashville or The Nations.
Young people are eager for political change and new leadership, making Nashville’s young population ripe for someone eager to get their hat in the political ring.
2. A Majority of Nashville residents think the city is headed in the wrong direction!
For the first time in nearly ten years, a majority (53%) of Nashvillians think the city is headed in the wrong direction! Important problems are simply not being solved and it has threatened the future of the city. That is a direct indictment on the current political leadership: they are failing to do the job of serving the people of Nashville.
It's time for a change-oriented candidate and a new type of leader. A fresh perspective and new ideas are needed on council so we can move forward as an innovative city with a bright future. High levels of dissatisfaction with the direction of the city means it’s easier to take on incumbents! Maybe you can move the city in the right direction.

3. There are more Independents than Democrats or Republicans in Nashville (really!)
A plurality (47%) of residents of our city do not affiliate with either of the two major political parties. They understand that our political system is broken and refuse to be painted as either Red or Blue. Most are open to considering new political options that offer a change from the status quo.
Independents are rising in Nashville (and across America). Yet our elected officials refuse to take notice and are overwhelmingly partisan. If we continue to run the same, cookie cutter candidates who fail to acknowledge that the two-party system isn’t working… we can’t expect anything to change for the better.
Nearly a majority of Nashvillians are looking for something new and authentic, and 2023 is the year to deliver a new vision for residents of the Music City.
4. Nashville has changed a lot.
Nashville is a city that's growing rapidly, with a population more than doubling in the last 30 years. This growth has brought many new challenges and perspectives to our community and created a need for new leadership that can reflect these changing needs.
Nashville's diverse demographics mean we need new voices who are not just career politicians but creative outsiders who want to tackle big issues with bold ideas and fresh approaches to solving problems. With so much growth happening over such a short period of time, there are many needs for services or improvements of existing services that need attention.
5. As the bachelorette parties can attest - Nashville knows how to party.
It's not a secret that Nashville knows how to party. The Bachelorettes know it and we know it too.
A good party requires a good host that makes sure everything runs smoothly and everyone is comfortable. We could use the values of a good party as a template for our governance here in Nashville. We need relatable leaders that put people first and focus on quality of life for ALL Nashvillians instead of pandering only the interests of a few people with deep pockets or political connections. We need candidates that can embody these values for all of us.
This is where GoodParty.org comes in. If you're interested in a run for city council, use this link to book a time to chat with us about running for office and how GoodParty.org can help. GoodParty.org is not a political party, but an organization here to help you run a standout independent campaign for free! Even if you're not sure, we'd love to help you explore the opportunity.

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